Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Join. Experience. Meet. Discover.... Opera

Opera Companies all over the United States are finding their young professional patrons are needing a way to contact with other folks like them. So PRO is sponsoring several get-togethers to help start a local group - here is their message:

Young Opera and Classics Lovers:

The Young Professional's Group is a place where people can get together, discuss & demystify opera, and generally enjoy themselves.

Opera and Classical music are beautiful and incredibly intimidating at the same time. Most people stay away because they've never had a chance to encounter Opera and Classical music in a relaxed situation.

One thing that most people have never realized about opera is that most opera was not written for or about "gentle persons." Indeed, the most famous operas of all time were all written about the lower classes in very shady situations. The Marriage of Figaro and The Barber of Seville are both political satires about nobility and the foibles of the high and mighty. La Traviata and Tosca are tales of prostitutes, hedonism and rape.

Last, but not least, opera singers, choristers, and directors are as normal as everyone else. I know one singer who collects comic books. I know another who is a "surfer girl." There is another who teaches at the University level and is a semi-professional cook. For every "diva" and "opera purist" there are ten normal people who happen to love singing and performing in pure operatic style.

The young adult group meets four times a month. It's not necessary that you make all meetings. The point is that every week there is something to do, and people to talk with. Opera is fun to enjoy by yourself, but it's better with a group of friends. Once a month, we try to do something a bit fancy. Something to bring a date or friends to, or just a reason to get dressed up and drink wine.

The entire point of this group can be summed up in the following words: "Have fun, drink wine, enjoy opera."

Our first two events:

Friday, March 13 at The Black Sheep Bar and Grill on Marsh St in SLO. 7 p.m. A get-acquainted and launch meeting.

Saturday March 28, Backstage at the PAC: A post-show reception in the green-room - backstage at the PAC on closing night, just for our group. We are expecting visits by Maestro Robert Ashens, and perhaps a few of the singers. If you're interested in joining us, here are the requirements: You must be an adult under the age of 40. And be prepared to show your ID, as wine will be served, along with savories. As attendance is limited, please call the PRO office before March 27th to secure your invitation. No membership required.

If you're a Facebook member, check out our event page: Young Professional's Group Opening

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